Conval Athletics

Home of the Cougars!

CoEd Varsity Outdoor Track


Number Name Position Year Height Weight Player Bio
Liam Baldwin Sr
Rhiannon Bell Jr
Fenia Benet-Higgins Sr
Nicholas Bernier So
Sean Boggis So
Max Boisvert So
Emma Brown Sr
Felicity Burgess Fr
Sawyer Cawthern Sr
Skye Civitella Jr
Marissa Cohen So
Emalee Coutu Sr
Dylan Coyne Sr
Evan Coyne So
Leah Danforth Jr
Aman Dery Fr
Hailey Doherty Fr
Edward Forster Fr
Lucy Freeman Sr
Caitlin Galea Sr
Madeline Garland Jr
Sean Grady Fr
Jack Griffin Fr
Savanna Hall So
Emma Henderson Jr
Carter Hunt So
Rachel Hurley So
Alyssa Janoch So
Rebecca Jennings Jr
Jonathan Juarez So
Harrison Kim Fr
Ryan Murray Jr
Sarah Newell So
Hannah Payne Jr
Josiah Petrain Fr
Michael Post Jr
Matthew Smith So
Zoe Tardiff Fr
Palmer Timmons Jr
Evan Turner Fr
Cole Turner Fr
Clare Veverka So
Liam Veverka Sr
Evan Wagner Fr
Finn Wegmueller Fr