Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Junior Varsity Basketball vs. Plymouth Regional HS School
6.0 years ago @ 9:54AM
- Game Date
- Jan 18, 2019
- Score
- COUGARSConVal Regional High School: 60
It was a long week, a full week of school a late night drive to Concord on Tuesday, a full week of practices, and to cap it all off a long treacherous drive to Plymouth on a Friday night to end the week. The JV Cougars were exhausted, heck, Varsity was exhausted, the coaches were exhausted, and the entire ConVal program was exhausted.
Somehow, the JV Cougars dug deep down and were able to come out on top against the Plymouth JV team to improve their successful season start to 7-0! Going into the 4th quarter tied at 39, the JV Cougars turned on the jets and played JV Cougar basketball holding Plymouth to just 6 points in the final frame while putting up 21 of their own.
Alex Heck started the fourth quarter rampage with two big steals that led to transition buckets, he also put in a key layup the get the JV Cougars jump started. Two big steals also came from Austin Knight which led to himself flying in for a big lay up, and a huge and one. The JV Cougars never lost momentum in those final 8 minutes.
The Cougars spread the ball around on offense with 9 of the 11 players putting in a bucket. Leading the way was Austin Knight with 12, Malachi Page with 11, and Erich Clark and Trevor Faber with 10 a piece.
The JV Cougars season continues Tuesday night, January 22nd, at home against John Stark.