Directions to ConVal High School: 184 Hancock Road, Peterborough NH 03458
Most sporting events are held on the high school campus. Including Stadium Field, Baseball, Softball, Lower Field (mainly Field Hockey and some Lacrosse), JV Field for JV Soccer/JV Lax games, Middle School Football Practice Field, Main Gymnasium for Basketball, Wrestling and Volleyball.
CVHS Lower Field is found down the access road between the High School on the left and Gazebo by the Pond on the right.
Please note that Admission to night games on the Stadium Field is required.
From North: Take I-89 to exit 5. Follow Rt. 202 south. School is on the right about 3 miles before Peterborough town center.
From East: Take 101 west to Rt. 202 in Peterborough. Turn right onto Rt. 202 north for about 3 miles. The school is on the left on Rt. 202.
From West: Take 101 east to Rt. 202 in Peterborough. Turn left onto Rt. 202 north for about 3 miles. The school is on the left on Rt. 202.
For specific directions from your current location, click here and enter your address to get those directions.
Directions to Shea Field next to Great Brook Middle School:
10 School St, Antrim, New Hampshire 03440
Head on Rt 202N into Antrim, Left at flashing light onto Summer street. Proceed to the end and take a right onto School St. Shea Field will be on your left just after Antrim Elementary School.
Google Maps link- Shea Field
Directions to Moosebrook Park (Hancock Recreation Field) - Summer soccer games are held on this field.
40 Bennington Rd., Hancock, NH 03449-0006
From the south, east, or west : follow 101 east (or west) into Peterborough take 202 north and get on 123 north toward Hancock. Follow into Hancock and come to stop sign and go left. take 1st right onto 137 north and go past the Hancock Fire Station and take the next left (dirt driveway) into the Hancock Rec Fields and recycling facility parking lot.
From north: follow 89 to Hillsborough and head south on Rte 202 south (towards Antrim and Peterborough.)
Reaching Antrim turn left at the t- junction and continue south on 202 through Bennington. Pass a Sunoco Station on the right and shortly turn right on Rte 137. Follow approx. 2 miles, past state town garages. Pass Longview Drive on the right and take the next drive on the right into the Hancock Rec Fields (and recycling facility). If you come to the Hancock Fire Station turn in and go to the right of the building to the field out back.
Directions to South Meadow Middle School Fields: Some baseball and soccer games are held on these fields.
From ConVal take a right heading South out of the parking lot and continue 1 mile down the road. SMS is on the right hand side of the road.
To the Peterborough Recreation Fields: 64 Union St, Peterborough, NH 03458 All of our home Boys and Girls tennis matches are held at the tennis courts at the Peterborough Recreation Department (PRD) complex. All of the softball night games are held at Ecco Field on the PRD fields. Picard Field at PRD will also host some JV Softball games on occassion.
Here is the link to the address of the PRD complex. Enter where you are coming from in order to get directions specific to your location. Click here for the link.